Disclaimer: These postings are automated. Having been a toastmaster, I do not endorse sharing of jokes related to caste, sex,religion or parts of the body. I like only some of these jokes, and I copy and paste them on my other blog: http://toastmasterambarish.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From Judy Anne Cavey and other lol :-) Share Some Humor™ group members on LinkedIn

Linkedin GroupsNovember 9, 2010
lol :-) Share Some Humor™

Latest: Discussions (18)

Most Active Discussions (3)

How Sexy Is Your Name? 74 comments »

Started by Mohammed Irshan

More » By Judy Anne Cavey

Rajini The Superstar !!!!! 54 comments »

Started by Kalyan Santra

Another one from me:...
More » By Amitesh Chandan

Before and after marriage 7 comments »

Started by Simi Sashidharan

you get the same affect when u play a marriage video forward and than play it reverse !...
More » By Gautam Shukla

Discussions (18)

Job add lingo 5 comments »

Started by Simi Sashidharan, Team Leader at Zenith Infotech

Simi, I love these! May I use some on my Edublog which gives job seeking information? I have a special section, "Keep Your Sense of...
More » By Judy Anne Cavey, Educator ➭ Writer ➭ Prospect Researcher

How to Get Invited to a Thanksgiving Dinner! 3 comments »

Started by Gregg Schwartz, Editor of Free Stuffin - Home of The Schnorrer

There are few greater expenses for the holidays than preparing the Thanksgiving meal. With the turkey, stuffing, and all the trimmings,...
More » By Gregg Schwartz, Editor of Free Stuffin - Home of The Schnorrer

50 office-speak phrases you love to hate 1 comment »

Started by Aparna Ramesh K, AGM at India Insure Risk Management Services

@Aparna: I've got you in my RADAR:)
By Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

Biggest mystery of Maths: Comment or flag »

Started by Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

1000s of years have passed, millions of theorems have been derives, billions of formulae worked out, but still "X" is unknown............
More » By Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

Love Letters Comment or flag »

Started by George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

A woman walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man...
More » By George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

Be nice to the ticket agent Comment or flag »

Started by George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

Customer Satisfaction...
More » By George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

High Stakes Poker Comment or flag »

Started by George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

Six retired Floridians play high stakes poker in the condo clubhouse....
More » By George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

The Pilot and the Navigator Comment or flag »

Started by George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

The pilot was sitting in his seat and pulled out a .38 revolver. The navigator eyed him suspiciously as he placed it on top of the...
More » By George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

The Most Toys Comment or flag »

Started by George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

We've all heard the "Mantra of Capitalism" -- "He who dies with the most toys, wins." How do other "isms" deal with the philosophy?...
More » By George Marshall, VP Marketing at Dhyan Infotech

W O R D S 1 comment »

Started by Simi Sashidharan, Team Leader at Zenith Infotech

By Anis Siddiqui, at Curve HR

Competition Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Two barbershops were in red-hot competition. One put up a sign advertising haircuts for 7-dollars. His competitor put up one that read,...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Senior Citizen Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

A senior citizen drove his brand new BMW out the car sales room . Taking off down the motor-way , he floored it to 90 , enjoying the wind...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Balance Sheet Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

There are two sides to a Balance Sheet - Left & the Right (Liabilities and Assets respectively)....
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Murphy's Law in Project Management Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

The first 90% of the project takes 10%t of the time, and the last 10% takes the other 90%
By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Company Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Two friends, who had lost contact for many years, were catching up with each other. One asked, "So, you've got your own company, huh? How...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Business Phone Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Change can't be given to you everytime, You must bring the change yourself - Who said this? 6 comments »

Started by Aparna Ramesh K, AGM at India Insure Risk Management Services

Obama :-)
By Thomas Korporaal, European Refinery Specialist

The Silent Treatment..!!!!!! 1 comment »

Started by Simi Sashidharan, Team Leader at Zenith Infotech

More » By Rose Anderson, Owner, Pure Gallery, Inc.


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Learnt a lot from vicissitudes of life, I am a student of life, A work in progress, currently(sic) an overweight body but a beautiful mind, Another human seeking happiness. I believe in sharing and absorbing wisdom irrespective of the source. (aa no bhadraa kratavo...)