Disclaimer: These postings are automated. Having been a toastmaster, I do not endorse sharing of jokes related to caste, sex,religion or parts of the body. I like only some of these jokes, and I copy and paste them on my other blog: http://toastmasterambarish.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

From Mark Simmering and other lol :-) Share Some Humor™ group members on LinkedIn

Linkedin GroupsNovember 15, 2010
lol :-) Share Some Humor™

Latest: Discussions (19)

Most Active Discussions (3)

Funny One liners!!!! 247 comments »

Started by Abhishek Kumar

even the week after Monday and Tuesday says W T F!
By Kajori Sengupta

This was written by a guy ... it's pretty smart. 12 comments »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com)

I am still laughing... LOL
By Mohammed Aaqil

After the Honeymoon 3 comments »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com)

By Versilla Dsouza

Discussions (19)

New TSA Book All Americans Should Consider Purchasing for their Children! "My First Cavity Search". Helping your child understand why they may be a threat to National Security.... Comment or flag »

Started by Mark Simmering, Recruitment Marketing; Financial Services, Investments, Private Equity, Real Estate, Energy, ExPats ►11,800+ Connec

By Mark Simmering, Recruitment Marketing; Financial Services, Investments, Private Equity, Real Estate, Energy, ExPats ►11,800+ Connec

New TSA Book All Americans Should Consider Purchasing for their Children! "My First Cavity Search". Helping your child understand why they may be a threat to National Security.... Comment or flag »

Started by Mark Simmering, Recruitment Marketing; Financial Services, Investments, Private Equity, Real Estate, Energy, ExPats ►11,800+ Connec

By Mark Simmering, Recruitment Marketing; Financial Services, Investments, Private Equity, Real Estate, Energy, ExPats ►11,800+ Connec

Bill Gates ramayana 1 comment »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

such creativity:)
By Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

Old aunts 1 comment »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

More » By Versilla Dsouza, Research Analyst at Salebuild

Liver and cheese 1 comment »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Good 1 ...
More » By Versilla Dsouza, Research Analyst at Salebuild

Programmers Comment or flag »

Started by Versilla Dsouza, Research Analyst at Salebuild

At a recent software engineering management course in the US, the participants were given an awkward question to answer. "If you had just...
More » By Versilla Dsouza, Research Analyst at Salebuild

An Affair To Remember 1 comment »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

More » By Nitin Sabharwal, Staffing/Hiring/Sourcing Lead at DataInc

Mountain neighbors Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Dan, a 35 year old New York stock broker had made it so big on Wall Street that he was able to retire at a young age....
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

The Mightiest Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

A lion woke up one morning feeling really rowdy and mean....
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Doctors Talk Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

An Israeli doctor says, "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Kill Husband Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

A lady walks into a pharmacy and asks the...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

3 Types of people Comment or flag »

Started by Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what...
More » By Akash Dolas,PMP [Open Networker], Quality Manager at Cybage

Billing Comment or flag »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party....
More » By Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

Blonde paint job Comment or flag »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She...
More » By Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

Only three doors Comment or flag »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

An airline captain was breaking in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city. Upon their arrival,...
More » By Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

0 to 200 in 6 seconds Comment or flag »

Started by Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was...
More » By Sreekanth Menon(reachsreeat@gmail.com), Manager Recruitments at Core HR Services Pvt. Ltd

Back to Blondes (Can we live without them?) Comment or flag »

Started by Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

More » By Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station. Comment or flag »

Started by Chandrashekaran K N, CEO at Indraprasta Consultants

NINE MONTHS LATER 30 comments »

Started by Gaurav Gupta, Sales (Onshore/Offshore), Business Development, Account Management, Client Servicing (ITIL) & Marketing Pro!!

That was really awesome!!!
By Poonam Verma, Sr. Data Conversion Analyst at Hewlett-Packard


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Learnt a lot from vicissitudes of life, I am a student of life, A work in progress, currently(sic) an overweight body but a beautiful mind, Another human seeking happiness. I believe in sharing and absorbing wisdom irrespective of the source. (aa no bhadraa kratavo...)